July 19, 2006

Artistic Betrayal

Just look at this photo of a sign a Hezbollah "protester" in NYC was carrying around yesterday. The artistry of this graphic alone would determine which “camp” I would rather be a part of. Let’s see, on the top we have the colorful, multinational look of various nation states and on the bottom we have something resembling two skull and crossbones pirate flags in front of a menacing looking background. Apparently what aesthetically reflects the look of the word “evil” is truly in the eye of the beholder. Maybe it's just my western bias but even a child, without the capacity to read the captions, would be able to point out which side could be considered “evil” simply based on the graphics. Gee…what side seems more evil, the multilateral colors of nation states or the black background crossed pirate flags flanked by scimitars look?

And I’m not sure that France appreciates being lumped in with the rest of us Infidel.

The terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas seek the annihilation of a race of people. And in America, the first amendment dictates that we have to tolerate the intolerance of those who are openly declaring that they are actively seeking to kill us. Gee…I wonder which culture is more enlightened….


Kent said...

Where's my gun?

Bushwack said...

I'm with you there bud, Have you seen the video of the Islamic Thinker Rally in New York? I must say that would cross the line between freedom of speach and inciting a riot...
In my neck of the woods that would be considered a threat and actions would result.
BTW, I came here by way of Samurai and I'll be visiting more often if thats cool with you.

JasMars said...

The more the merrier.

Anthe said...

To respond to your last point about which is more enlightened: the culture that stops trying to be "right" and to "win"...but I guess neither is in the position to do that: "I'll be nice, if you'll be nice. Okay, on the count of three...one...two...##$$@@!!!!!$%^%$$"

JasMars said...

The lovely Anthe, has weighed in which is very cool.

Anthe, It seems that you have compiled quite a volume of writings since becoming a blogger earlier this year, good for you. You should upload a pic to your profile, which appears whenever you make a comment.

Anyway, nice to hear from you, you’re welcome back any time.